Super Small Business How-Tos
How To: How Do You Know if You Can or Should Start a Business Part 3 of 3
Part of the process to answer the topic question is to discover the answer to three other questions, which are: (1) Who am I? (2) Who do I want to help? (3) How do I want to help?
Notes on Video: How to Write an Executive Summary
Video: . The author started with a written introduction of the importance of the executive summary as part of the business plan.
How To: How Do You Do a Business Plan? Part 3 of 5
Table of Contents
How To: How Do You Handle Payroll?
There is a difference between what is possible, what should be done and what an owner manager may want to do. Decide how you want to handle payroll then determine if your desires and best practices are in agreement. Before I point out the decisions that need to be made, let me make two points. First, all personnel for your business do not have to be employees. Some entities can be run with all non-employee personnel or a combination of both. This is one of the reasons why doing a business pla...
How Do You Create Your Own Job: An Example
On Thursday, March 9, there was a news story on the evening news about Khan Academy (NBC News). The story began when Sal Khan started tutoring his cousin in 2004. Since he was in Boston and she was in a different city, he decided to make and post videos on YouTube so anyone could watch the videos. Later he added videos for her brothers and for people that contacted him with requests for other videos. During this time Sal had a job that he later replaced with another job. Today Sal has 2010 vi...
How To: How Do You Know if You Can or Should Start a Business Part 2 of 3
Starting a business has to involve a desire to benefit someone else other than you. If all your reasons for starting a business are to benefit you, chances are good that you have missed the big picture. At least one reason you have to want to stat a business needs to be to help someone else. Either use proceeds from the business to help a charity of your choice or to solve a problem or provide a solution to a need for the target group that your business serves. Focus on one issue to start wit...
How To: Do a Business Part 2 of 5
Although a business plan is a technical document, remember that this first draft will not be. The audience and author of this document will be the owner/manager of the small business. The purpose is to get as much information written as possible so this draft can be used as a starter for versions of the business plan that are crafted for other audiences. It eliminates the possibility of the first business plan you write for other audiences actually looks like your first attempt. Since the lat...
How To: How Do You Do a Business Plan? Part 1 of 5
How Do You Do A Business Plan? Part 1 of 5 (Series designed to discuss the parts of a business plan, what information is involved in each part, and why a business plan is needed.)
How To: How Do You Know if You Can or Should Start a Business? Part 1 of 3
(Series designed to help explore whether your ideal employment ideas should be formalized into a business venture or as an employee or volunteer value added problem solver).